Digital Strategy

With so many digital channels and tactics available for your use, it’s never been more important to ensure you’re using the right ones.

Our strategy services help ensure you’re making the right moves online according to your brand, audiences and business objectives. Providing you with easy-to-follow strategic roadmaps, you’ll be able to cut through the noise, re-focus and use the digital platforms and techniques that will offer you the best return on investment.

Integrated Digital Strategy

If you’ve just set new goals or your business is undergoing change, it’s a great time to look at all of your digital channels to ensure they are working together effectively.

By developing a comprehensive integrated strategy, we can ensure your digital presence is consistent, cohesive and effective. At the end of the process you’ll know exactly what channels, tactics and techniques you need to employ to reach your goal.

    How it'll help you

  • Ensure your digital activity is aligned with your objectives.
  • Have a clearer picture of what’s needed to achieve success.
  • Be ready to go with an easy to follow digital road map.
  • Get support from digital experts who’ll help you overcome challenges.

Step 1: Strategy Workshop

We begin the process by hosting a tailored strategy workshop. Throughout the session, our strategy and marketing teams will work to understand your brand, business, market, audience and competitors so that they are armed with the information they need to create your strategy. We will also focus on your business objectives (both short and long term) to ensure our recommendations are aligned with your needs.

Step 2: Delivery of Strategy

Armed with the information gathered from our workshop, we will create a comprehensive integrated strategy tailored specifically for you. The information will be presented in a clear, easy to follow manner so that you can refer to the document as you move forward and implement your strategy. Though content is specific to your needs, it will include essential information, such as what channels you should focus on, which keywords are most appropriate for you to use, or which content topics are best aligned with your brand and audiences. Depending on your needs, we will tap into the skills and knowledge of the wider team, including designers, developers and researchers so that you receive a well rounded strategy.

Brand Strategy

If you want to increase awareness, drive engagement or launch a new brand, our brand strategy services will help you do just that.

Depending on your specific needs, we will host brand workshops with key members of your team, before offering you our insights and recommendations in the form of a comprehensive brand strategy. By the end of the process, you’ll be armed with a plan of action that defines your goals and how you’re going to achieve them.

    How can Brand Strategy help?

  • If you’re launching a new brand, it’ll set great foundations that’ll help you stand out from competitors.
  • If you need to improve brand awareness, we’ll create a plan for how you can achieve this.
  • For those looking to improve engagement, we’ll identify the channels and tactics that will work best.

Step 1: Needs Analysis

The first stage in the brand strategy process is for us to carry out a needs analysis. We take the time to understand the current position of your brand and what your future goals and aspirations are, before recommending the best brand strategy approach.

Step 2: Workshop

All brand strategy services include a workshop that typically lasts one working day. During the session, we facilitate conversation, ask questions and engage your team in key branding exercises that help us gather the information we need to develop your strategy.

Step 3: Recommendations Report

Following the workshop, we’ll supply a detailed report that outlines all of our findings and key recommendations. This ensures we have fully understood your needs and goals before we deliver the strategy.

Step 4: Strategy Document

We will then develop and supply a comprehensive brand strategy which will outline your goals and our recommendations for how you should achieve them. To ensure that it is a useful working document, we break down information into manageable, easy to consume sections so that you can refer to it as and when you need to.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Guided by your goals and objectives, we can develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that will ensure you target your audience using the most effective channels and techniques.

With so many channels and tactics available for your use, it’s hard to know which ones to focus on. Using their knowledge and expertise, our Digital Marketing team will develop a clear and concise strategy that will identify which channels you should use and exactly how you should use them to achieve your digital objectives.

We can supply you with the strategy to implement in-house, or our team can take on full management and roll-out; reporting back regularly on success and recommended changes. Whichever you choose, this process will ensure your digital marketing is targeted and goal orientated.

We can undertake:
  • Business needs analysis
  • KPI setting
  • Keyword research
  • Competitor reviews

    Key Benefits

  • Ensure your digital marketing is targeted and goal orientated
  • Build a strategy that is highly measurable so you can track activity
  • Improve the performance of your digital channels
  • Work with our expert digital marketing team

We will begin by undertaking a review to assess how your site and marketing channels are performing. By comparing current results with future goals and expectations, we’ll be able to uncover what is stopping you from achieving your objectives. We will also undertake a competitor analysis to see where you sit within your market. This will be done in tandem with a digital marketing strategy workshop, where we’ll take to understand your needs, objectives, brand and market.

Following step one, we will bring all of these aspects into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. The document will outline clearly defined tactics and above all, give you a solid plan and measurable performance indicators so that you can manage digital marketing alone or with our support. We can discuss, tailor and prioritise the elements you need in order to succeed.

We see ourselves as your Digital Marketing partner and that means working with you to get results. Following the strategy, we therefore offer a unique approach whereby you don’t need to commit to ‘x’ hours of link building and ‘y’ hours of PPC management’ each month. Instead, each month we provide whichever activity is going to achieve results against agreed KPIs. This could be anything from paid search or remarketing, to paid social. This open communicative and collaborative approach brings success as we work together within your budget for continual improvement.

As part of our implementation services, we will give you regular updates on performance and communicate results monthly. We will also analyse technical issues, conversion paths and drop off points and make recommendations for improvement. Analysis of the site’s performance informs the prioritised activity we undertake each month. Ultimately, digital marketing is cyclical – we need to understand, analyse and adapt in order to get the best outcome.

Content Strategy

We can provide you with a comprehensive content strategy that will help you improve engagement and interaction across your digital channels.

The process starts with understanding one very key thing; what do you need your content to do? Whether you need it to entertain, educate or convert, we’ll build a strategy that will catapult your content and ensure it’s always helping you achieve your goals.

We can develop content strategies for both websites and social media marketing activity, outlining our recommendations for content types and formats that will best suit your needs. For those looking to build their content strategy in-house, we also offer content training that can help your teams understand the process of identifying and planning appropriate content for your channels.

How can a Content Strategy help you?

We will begin by undertaking a review to assess how your site and marketing channels are performing. By comparing current results with future goals and expectations, we’ll be able to uncover what is stopping you from achieving your objectives. We will also undertake a competitor analysis to see where you sit within your market. This will be done in tandem with a digital marketing strategy workshop, where we’ll take to understand your needs, objectives, brand and market.

Following step one, we will bring all of these aspects into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. The document will outline clearly defined tactics and above all, give you a solid plan and measurable performance indicators so that you can manage digital marketing alone or with our support. We can discuss, tailor and prioritise the elements you need in order to succeed.

Social Media Strategy

We can help guide your social media activity by providing you with a comprehensive and goal-focused strategy.

Our social media strategies take every element needed for social success into consideration, so by the end of the process you will know which channels to use, which content to post and which paid advertising opportunities to take advantage of. As a result, your social media activity will be more goal focused, engaging and effective.

For those requiring additional support and resources, we offer a number of other social media services. We also offer social media training for those who want to improve their team’s knowledge and skills.

The process will include:
  • Audience profiling
  • Channel strategy
  • Content planning
  • Goal setting
  • Content strategy

How we work with you

After understanding your needs and objectives, we will facilitate a social media strategy workshop. Throughout the session we will ask questions, offer our ideas and recommendations and get your team involved in key activities. This will ensure we have all the information we need to develop the best strategy for you.

We will supply you with a detailed social media strategy document that covers your audience profiles, channel strategy, content strategy and recommended approach to paid activity. This strategy can then be implemented by your team, or alternatively we can offer ongoing social media management services.